Adoption of Learning Management System for Teaching by Academic Staff of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria


  • Hamza Abba Department of Library and Information Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Author
  • Habibu Mohammed Department of Library and Information Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Author
  • Babangida Dangani Department of Library and Information Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Author
  • E Adedokun Department of Telecommunication Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Author


الكلمات المفتاحية:

Academic Staff، Adoption، Learning Management System، Teaching، Utilization


This study investigated the Adoption of Learning Management System (LMS) for teaching by Academic Staff of ABU, Zaria, two objectives were formulated which are, to find out the types of LMS that academic staff adopted for teaching in ABU, Zaria and to find out the LMS’s skills possessed by academic staff for LMS adoption. Quantitative Approach and cross-sectional survey research design was used, the population of the study comprised of four hundred and seventy-four (474) academic staff, one hundred and sixty-seven (167) were used as a sample size. Questionnaire in form of google form was used as the instrument for data collection. This study found out that; MOODLE is the most adopted Learning Management System for teaching by academic staff in the faculties of ABU, Zaria. Also, the study inferred that basic knowledge of computer skills were the common and most possessed LMS skills for teaching by academic staff. The study recommended that; the Management of ABU, Zaria should subscribe and register other relevant LMS like claroline, schoology, ATutor, blackboard etc so that academic staff can adopt them for their teaching activities. Also, the Management of ABU, Zaria should boost the skills of the academic staff by creating platforms that will provide hands-on training on the skills required to adopt LMS for teaching like Database Management skills, adaptability skills, web technology skills, collaborative skills and the host of others.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Abba, H., Mohammed, H., Dangani, B., & Adedokun, E. (2024). Adoption of Learning Management System for Teaching by Academic Staff of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Lokoja Journal of Information Science Research, 2(1), 109-118.

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